CompTIA Sponsorship Helps Congressional App Challenge Reach National Participation Goals

About CompTIA
As one of the world’s leading tech associations, the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) has made it a mission to improve computer science education, given how essential today\’s STEM students are to tomorrow\’s tech industry. CompTIA understands that the tech industry needs more workers, but those workers need somewhere to start. That start begins with early computer science education.
These goals align perfectly with those of the Congressional App Challenge, which continues to expand its educational reach to students across the nation who are interested in STEM. By sponsoring the CAC, CompTIA is helping to improve the reach of the coding competition, which 14,000 students have participated in since 2015, submitting over 4,000 apps in the past four years.
This level of participation would not be possible without our sponsors, which is why the Congressional App Challenge would like to thank CompTIA. Thank you for helping us to achieve our goal of inspiring students from all over the United States to learn and improve their coding skills! We are excited to see how much the Challenge will grow from here.
About the Congressional App Challenge
The CAC is an official initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives, managed by the Internet Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The first four years of the program yielded 830 app challenges spanning 45 states and territories hosted by Members of Congress. Participant demographics surpassed the tech industry’s best gender, racial and geographic diversity metrics.