January 2020
KAR (Kids Against Racism) Wins Rep. Lujan’s (NM-03) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Ben Lujan has named three Santa Fe students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in New Mexico’s 3rd district. STEM Santa Fe’s Ruth Calija, Ytzel Romo and Diana Vasquez submitted KAR (Kids Against Racism), an app that is made to inform people about racism. STEM Santa Fe is a non-profit organization that supports […]
WVHelp4Teens Wins Rep. Mooneys (WV-02) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Alexander Mooney has named four Charleston students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in West Virginia’s 2nd district. John Adams Middle School’s Miriam Kisto, Chase Steorts, Caleb Newell and Zack Mowrer submitted WVHelp4Teens, an app that provides a “one-stop shop” of connections to professional resources on topics that our peers, West Virginia […]