January 2020
Asclepius Wins Rep. Lowenthal’s (CA-47) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Alan Lowenthal has named La Palma students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in California’s 47th district. Oxford Academy’s Justin Yue, Vuk Perisic, Alex Hoang and Arvind Vivekanandan submitted Asclepius, an app geared towards physical therapy patients performing corrective exercises.
Extracurricular Manager by Schoolabs Wins Rep. Rose’s (NY-11) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Max Rose has named two Staten Island students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in New York’s 11th district. Tottenville High School’s Kartik Kumar and Anthony Squillacioti submitted Extracurricular Manager, is a service that allows students to communicate directly with other students, as well as with school faculty, clubs, and organizations in […]
Safe Vacation Rep. DeLauro’s (CT-03) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Rosa DeLauro has named four New Haven students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Connecticut’s 3rd district. West Haven School’s Aaliyah Rodriguez, Annalisa Correia, Daniella Lebron and Michael Polanco submitted Safe Vacation, an app that gives travelers must have information about their destination at the touch of a finger. When asked why […]
The Yalta Conference Assessment T2 Wins Rep. Spano’s (FL-15) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Ross Spano has named a Lakeland student as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Florida’s 15th district. All Saints Academy’s Sunny Iskra submitted TheYalta Conference Assessment T2 , an app that asks people who want to learn about the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences multiple-choice questions. When asked why they were passionate about […]