January 2020
FamFri Messaging App Wins Rep. Slotkin’s (MI-08) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Elissa Slotkin has named a Hartland student as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Michigan’s 8th district. Hartland High School’s Tayden Cook submitted FamFri Messaging App, an app that allows group messaging and games. When asked why they were passionate about creating a messaging app the student replied,“My family has had many […]
Mathia Wins Rep. Lamb’s (PA-17) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Connor Lamb has named two Gibsonia students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Pennsylvania’s 17th district. Shady Side Academy’s Nicholas Zana and Jason Wu submitted Mathia, an app that takes a picture of a math question, and then solves it, as well as provides additional assistance.When asked why they were passionate […]
The School Experience Wins Rep. Johnson’s (OH-06) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Bill Johnson has named two Alliance students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Ohio’s 6th district. West Branch High School’s Jocelyn Carte and Jakob Williamson submitted The School Experience, an app intended to instill morals in young children through a fun learning experience. When asked why they were passionate about creating […]
RiversideSTEM Wins Rep. Takano’s (CA-41) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Mark Takano has named a Riverside student as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in California’s 41st district. Riverside STEM High School’s Bill Merickel submitted RiversideSTEM, an app that allows students access to important school information.
Humanity Helper Wins Rep. Gonzalez’s (OH-16) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez has named two North Royalton students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Ohio’s 16th district. North Royalton High School’s Pankti Mehta and Arin submitted Humanity Helper, an app helps users locate community service opportunities in their community. When asked why they were passionate about creating a community service app […]
College Fetcher Wins Rep. Fitzpatrick’s (PA-01) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick has named a Harleysville student as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in Pennsylvania’s 1st district. Souderton Area High School’s Rohan Mehta submitted College Fetcher, an app that aids students in their college search. When asked why they were passionate about creating a college preparation app the student replied, “I was […]
Calcul Eats Wins Rep. Haaland’s (NM-01) 2019 Congressional App Challenge
Rep. Debra Haaland has named three Albuquerque students as the winner of the Congressional App Challenge in New Mexico’s 1st district. Bosque School’s Silas Peeders, Cas Baker and Ian Kahn submitted Calcul Eats, a calculator app that can be used to quickly calculate the price of a meal after tax and tip.