Rxmindr wins Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger’s 2024 Congressional App Challenge in Maryland’s Second District
Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger has named Aroovee Nandakumar of River Hill High School and Vishvak Gernapudi of Towson High School as the winners of the 2024 Congressional App Challenge in Maryland’s Second District.
When asked what inspired the creation of Rxmindr, the students said, “From the needles of vaccines to the funky-tasting antibiotic pills, I have always hated taking medicine. Half-empty bottles of antibiotics from skipped courses or from forgetting to take the medicine on time filled up in my desk drawer. With each forgotten pill and skipped dosage, I was unknowingly fostering an environment where bacteria could thrive and develop resistance to the antibiotic I was taking. This problem hasn’t just affected me, however; the CDC has estimated that ‘In the U.S., more than 2.8 million antimicrobial-resistant infections occur each year.’ These infections only increase in number with improper medicine usage, a rise that can be prevented by the fostering of proper usage. I learned more about the grave ramifications of improper usage not from a doctor or pharmacist, but rather my own dad. My dad suffered from a stroke earlier this year and has constantly been taking a multitude of medications every single day. These medications not only reduce his chance of having another stroke but also give him peace of mind. However, the anticoagulants my dad takes have proven to be a two-faced coin. The daily question ‘Have I taken my anticoagulant?’ that my dad asked gave our family anxiety, as missing a dose is harmful, but taking an extra could be even more dangerous. My dad could belong to the 75% of Americans who improperly take their medications. But seeing the stress the simple task of taking medications properly gave him, I was inspired to create a simple way for him and others to manage the unassuming task of proper medication usage. With a simple scan, Rxmindr will help alleviate the widespread problem of improper medication usage and help aid patients in taking medications at the right time and quantity.”
This year’s Congressional App Challenge set new records, with an unprecedented 382 Members of the House of Representatives hosting competitions—surpassing the previous high of 374. An incredible 12,682 students from across the country participated, representing a growth of over 1,000 students compared to 2023. These talented students submitted an astounding 3,881 original applications, showcasing their creativity, passion for technology, and the limitless potential of America’s next generation of innovators. This surge in participation reflects the increasing excitement around STEM and highlights a bright future for American innovation.
The Congressional App Challenge is an official initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives, where Members of Congress host contests in their districts for middle school and high school students, encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue careers in computer science. This resounding show of bipartisan support emphasizes the critical importance of STEM education in today’s rapidly evolving world. Each participating Member of Congress selects a winning app from their district, and each winning team is invited to showcase their winning app to Congress during our annual #HouseOfCode festival.
The program is a public-private partnership made possible through funding from the Broadcom Foundation, AWS, Rise, theCoderSchool, Apple, and others.
The 2024 Congressional App Challenge will launch in May of 2025, and eligible students can pre-register for the competition now.