Save the Date: #HouseOfCode is Scheduled for April 10-11
Congressman Zach Nunn and Congressman Ted Lieu, the Co-Chairs of the Congressional App Challenge for the 118th Congress, announce the #HouseofCode 2024 dates and congratulates all the participants of the 2023 Congressional App Challenge.

Save the Date: #HouseOfCode is April 10th & 11th

This year’s #HouseOfCode is scheduled for April 10-11 at the United States Capitol! This exciting event is the ultimate celebration of youth tech talent and the 2023 Congressional App Challenge winners, and we can’t wait to bring everyone together to celebrate the amazing achievements of these talented students.
#HouseOfCode will be an opportunity to see the winning apps, hear from the students who created them, and engage with lawmakers and tech leaders who support their efforts. It will be a dynamic and inspiring event that you won’t want to miss.
If you’re interested in getting involved in #HouseOfCode, we’d love to hear from you! There are many ways to get involved, including serving as a mentor, sponsor, or demonstrator. Simply reply directly to this email to learn more and get involved.
Mark your calendars for April 10-11 and join us for this incredible Congressional celebration of youth tech talent and the potential of technology to transform the world.

These Organizations Support The Congressional App Challenge

About The Congressional App Challenge
The CAC is an initiative of the U.S. House of Representatives, where Members of Congress host contests in their districts for middle school and high school students, encouraging them to learn to code and inspiring them to pursue careers in computer science. The non-profit Internet Education Foundation provides the CAC with supplemental staffing and support. In the eight years of the Congressional App Challenge, the program has yielded 46,928 App Challenges across all 50 states. Thousands of functional apps have been created for Congress, and participant demographics surpass all industry diversity metrics.